Get in touch
Got a question, want to book a soil test or place an order? We’d love to hear from you - there’s nothing we love more than chatting about healthier soil, animals and farms. Call us on 0508 678 464 or drop us a note, and we’ll be in touch in two shakes.
Perfectly balance your soil with a custom blend of natural fertilisers and nutrients – just what your grapes, apples, apricots and all your horticultural enterprises are asking for
Pressing fine lime and nutrients into a pellet makes them easy to apply, minimises dust and drift, and they get to work quickly
We combine all-natural fertiliser ingredients into a pellet, so you get a one-pass application, and your soil gets what it needs, where it needs it
Our pellets break down readily and get to work quickly, increasing nutrient availability, improving soil structure and pH levels
Pellets are perfect for ground spreading, helicopter application and DIY applications
Fine lime pellets are customisable, 100% utilised and spread evenly
However, the fine particles are difficult to spread and prone to drift. Optimise is 100% ultra-fine lime, pulverised to an average of 70 microns, then pressed into an all-in-one pellet along with the nutrients your soil needs. We only use natural, biologically friendly products.
Optimise is used by pastoral, arable, horticultural and viticultural operations throughout NZ. You won’t need any special equipment. Optimise is compatible with conventional ground spreading and drilling equipment. And is ideal for spreading by plane or helicopter.
DIY Optimise applications are simple. Use existing tow-behind spreading equipment, just like you would apply other high analysis fertilisers, and reduce the heavy traffic burden of bulk trucks.
Some clients find multiple custom blends are the best way to satisfy their soil’s needs.
Minimum order 500kg. Contact your local farm merchant for 25kg bags.
Getting started
in six easy steps
Take a soil test – find out exactly what your soil needs. Our reps are on the road and never too far away
Chat to us about the perfect blend of fine lime, fertilisers and nutrients and tell us how you want to spread it
We’ll make the product to your specifications at our plant in Scargill, New Zealand
Pretty soon your batch of Optimise will be delivered and ready to apply
It’ll start to work in 6-12 weeks, depending on rainfall, soil type and farming system
Join the happy farmers, with healthier farms and horticultural operations, using Optimise. Then take an annual soil test (at the same time of year.)
See you at site W431
26-28 March 2025