CP Lime


Get in touch

Got a question, want to book a soil test or place an order? We’d love to hear from you - there’s nothing we love more than chatting about healthier soil, animals and farms. Call us on 0508 678 464 or drop us a note, and we’ll be in touch in two shakes.

CP Lime


Get in touch

Got a question, want to book a soil test or place an order? We’d love to hear from you - there’s nothing we love more than chatting about healthier soil, animals and farms. Call us on 0508 678 464 or drop us a note, and we’ll be in touch in two shakes.

for healthier country blocks

A range of easy to use, lime-based fertilisers, perfectly formulated for country blocks

Key features


Fine lime pellets provide precisely what your soil needs. They get to work quickly to improve soil structure, stimulate soil biology and provide trace elements beneficial to all life’s functions


Your lime and fertiliser requirements are pressed into pellets for a one-pass application, so you can get on with other things

Easy to use

The all-in-one pellets are easy to apply - you can spread them yourself or use a small-block contractor




TLC for your lifestyle block

Life-styler Farm Fertilisers are a range of general-purpose lime-based fertilisers ideal for combining your lime and fertiliser applications. When livestock and crops are removed, major nutrients get depleted. Life-styler combines these nutrients with fine lime - vital to counter soil acidity and maintain healthy soils and pastures.

Use Life-styler fine lime pellets to take care of:

  • Soil structure improving aeration, water filtration, and allowing roots to penetrate deeper into the soil.
  • Soil biology by providing a food source for beneficial soil life. Active soil microbes reuse and recycle plant and animal waste, and fewer chemicals are necessary.
  • Soil chemistry with a mix of essential nutrients for soil and plant health, including the use of seaweed and humates, which provide a wide range of essential trace elements

We start with fine lime because the finer the lime, the more immediate the reaction in the soil. We crush the lime to an average of 70 microns, then pressed it into a pellet. The pellets are easy to use, spread evenly, minimise drift and dust, and break down readily for an immediate reaction in the soil.

Trial work shows a change in pH to an average of 0.2 per 250kg/Ha. Thanks to its accurate and concentrated form, you’ll use a lot less than traditional Ag Lime. You’ll see results within 6 to 12 weeks, depending on soil type rainfall and current farming practices. For trials data click here.

At Optimise we only use high-quality ingredients, micronising them to enhance their release and availability. Some products can be AsureQuality certified if that's a requirement. Pellets are proudly manufactured in New Zealand.

How to apply


DIY applications are simple. You can spread Life-style yourself using walk-behind or tow-behind spreading equipment. Or use a small-block contractor.

Optimise Lifestyler contains high-quality Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Magnesium and Carbonate. Ca 20.1% N 3.5% P 4% S 15.8% Mg 2.2% CO3 57.9%

How do

you buy


You can purchase Life-styler in bulk truckloads, 1000kg bags, 500kg bags and 25kg bags.

The freight price for 500kg and 1000kg bags will depend on the location. Generally, bulk bags are delivered to a convenient depot near you for pick up - just make sure your truck or trailer can carry the bags!

Life-style is also available from most local Rural Merchants in 25kg bags. Give your favourite one a bell to see if it’s in stock.

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