CP Lime


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CP Lime


Get in touch

Got a question, want to book a soil test or place an order? We’d love to hear from you - there’s nothing we love more than chatting about healthier soil, animals and farms. Call us on 0508 678 464 or drop us a note, and we’ll be in touch in two shakes.

Your questions answered


How quickly does Optimise have an effect on the pH of the soil?
  • This will depend on your soil type, soil CEC (cation exchange capacity) and rainfall. Usually, results can begin to be seen between 6-12 weeks.
How long does Optimise last?
  • This will depend on your soil CEC. With a low soil CEC, Optimise should work quickly using low volumes, so a more frequent application will be necessary. With a high soil CEC, Optimise will last longer but will require a higher application rate to cause a shift in pH. This principle also holds true for aglime.
If aglime lasts longer, why should I use Optimise?
  • Aglime potentially lasts for a longer period of time, depending on particle size. This is because it takes longer for larger particles to break down in the soil, if at all. Whereas, Optimise is 100% fine particle lime, so 100% breaks down rapidly, and 100% is working immediately after the pellets break down into the soil, which means 100% is utilised. Therefore, Optimise is more efficient.
Why would I apply Optimise on a more frequent basis compared to a traditional aglime application once every 3-5 years?
  • In some cases you can apply 2-3 applications of Optimise for the cost of 1 aglime application. If you apply Optimise every 12-24 months, you are better off cashflow-wise plus pH and calcium levels will be easily maintained.
How can an application of 250kg/ha work when I usually apply aglime at 2.5t/ha?
  • Fine particle aglime is of greater agronomic impact than coarse grade aglime (which can remain sitting on the surface or in the soil profile as large unused lumps), and so less volume of fine lime needs to be applied. In addition to this, the accurate placement of nutrients in either scenario is critical. Look at all common fertilisers - they are typically all granulated to some extent for easy and accurate placement. Optimise has been micronised to maximise surface area and effectiveness, then compressed into a pellet for even coverage and accurate placement, ultimately increasing the efficiency of fine lime applications.
Why would I use fine particle lime?
  • The finer the lime, the more immediate the reaction in the soil. The smaller the particle size, the greater the surface area, the quicker the effect on soil pH and the more the calcium is readily available. However the finer the lime, the greater the chance of it being carried away by the wind and not reaching and settling on the area it is intended for. This is why Optimise Ultra-Fine Lime is pelletised. Micronising and pelletising ultra-fine particles increases the efficiency of the lime.
Aglime is cheaper, what makes Optimise more cost effective?
  • If Aglime was supplied in ultra-fine particle form (e.g. dust) and able to be applied to the soil easily and accurately, then there would be less volume required and therefore no need to invent Optimise pelletised fine-lime. From a practical farming situation, the ability to get effective lime on the ground evenly and accurately with less volume means that the savings of using Optimise ultra-fine lime in pelletised form are in freight and application. Lower rates = decreased use of vehicles for freight and application = reduced carbon emissions = better for your cash flow and farm.
Have you done trials to show the effectiveness of Optimise?
  • Lincoln University have completed trials comparing Optimise with aglime. We have also undertaken (as part of a farm discussion group) on-farm trials for pastoral applications. The results show the comparative effectiveness of Optimise at 250kg/ha versus aglime at 2.5t/ha at shifting pH, increasing calcium and reducing aluminium levels. Canterbury University are currently using Optimise on forestry trials.
Is Optimise an organic product?
  • Yes, Optimise can be supplied with Organic Certification. Custom blends with qualifying inputs such as Sulphur, Magnesium, RPR, Guano Phosphate and more can also be produced, as required, to meet Organic specifications.
Is Optimise effective in low rainfall areas?
  • Optimise has the advantage of breaking down more readily, due to its very small particle size, therefore being able to react a lot faster to help stimulate biological activity. This action, as well as providing a readily available source of calcium will help aid moisture retention. Larger particles can be very slow to react and breakdown in low rainfall areas.
What type of farming situations is Optimise best suited to?
  • Optimise is used in many pastoral, arable, horticultural and viticultural operations, throughout NZ. It is a great tool due to efficiency of application and is particularly well suited to large scale arial topdressing scenarios. Optimise is commonly used to provide a boost for pH sensitive crops.
  • Optimise, as a fine particle fertiliser, does not require any special spreading equipment and is equally suited to application by helicopter, topdressing, ground spreading and drilling.
Can I add other nutrients to the lime pellet?
  • Yes! We do many pelletised custom blends which are made up of combinations of lime and/or Sulphur, Magnesium, Trace Elements and Bio-Stimulants (Humates, EM, Bio-Marinus). Combining other nutrients in the pellets can achieve a one-pass lime and fertiliser application. The combination of nutrients in the pellet can also be of greater benefit to the soil in comparison to applying each nutrient separately.
How safe is it to blend Optimise with products like DAP & Urea?
  • Because Optimise contains less than 1% moisture, it has the ability to be blended with Phosphate, DAP/CAN, Urea/Ammonium Sulphate, Potassium Sulphate/Chloride, AgSalt and/or Seaweed and more. Optimise can remain stable for varying lengths of time when blended with these products, making it an easy one-pass method of application. To be able to blend, store and apply makes this a convenient and popular combination.
How do I change my pH at lower depths?
  • The best way to move lime throughout the soil profile and to have an effect at depth is to have CaCO3 moved by soil biology. This can be done best and most easily with ultra-fine particle size lime. The finer the particle the better chance you have of the lime making its way down into the soil. If you can manage to put larger particle sizes at a lower depth it will inevitably take a much longer time to breakdown and to be made biologically available. Lime in general helps to improve soil structure, leading to more moisture retention and root development. High aluminium levels have also been identified as being a key limiting factor for root development at lower depths and hence pasture production. Using ultra-fine lime is the most effective and efficient way of changing the pH lower down through the soil profile by being able to penetrate the pore space better.
How much can I save with Optimise compared to aglime?

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See you at site W431

26-28 March 2025
